About The Tin Shed
Home Of The Barwon Grove Golf Club
The Barwon Grove Golf Club was formed in 1961, it was originally located where the current tennis courts are on Geelong Rd, Barwon Heads. The original membership grew in numbers, mostly consisting of wharfies from Melbourne & Geelong with a few locals added in.
Local police requested the Clubhouse be moved to its present location behind CFA, which at the time was considered out of sight. The Membership of the Club has always been diverse and full of local characters which have defined the Club. Many of the elder community and younger community to this day enjoy, each other’s company on a Sunday afternoon at the Clubhouse.
The Club house is affectionately known as the ‘Tin Shed’ it was built entirely by members, improved and extended over the years to the comfortable and unique facility we have today.
The Barwon Grove Golf Club is not fortunate enough to have its own course, but play at the Barwon Heads Golf Club (BHGC) on Sunday mornings; this arrangement goes back to an agreement of land swap with BHGC and a State Government. The Act of Parliament was struck by the then premier John Cain Snr. When BHGC is not available 13th Beach Golf Club is kind enough to give us access to their course, our club members appreciate being able to play on such wonderfully manicured and acknowledged golf courses!
Raising Funds
Raising funds for charities is high on the agenda of the Club, focusing on children in need and the disadvantaged within our Community.
Our main fund raiser is our Good Friday Auction, with proceeds raised on the day going to worthwhile causes such as;
Cottage By The Sea
$253,000 – 1986 to 2007
Presented to them that greatly assisted them in providing holidays for many children from disadvantaged homes from all around Victoria.
Rainbow Riders
$52,500 – 2008 to 2012
Presented to them to assist with the running of this fantastic service to the disabled community, both young and old.
Royal Children’s Hospital Good Friday Appeal
$353101.00 – 2013 to present
The Good Friday Appeal has been the focus since 2013 and in that time we held 8 events for their benefit.
The Tin Sheds annual contribution to the RCH makes up a large proportion of the total donations from the Barwon Heads Village township which says a lot about the willingness of the Tin Shed committee, members and supporting community to help raise these funds that goes towards our world leading medical facility that in turn looks after our children and grandchildren.
We strongly encourage any potential donors to contact us with items that may be auctioned on Good Friday and invite as many people to attend a fun day where they can bid for quality items, may pick up a bargain plus mix with their fellow community and holiday makers in a very congenial atmosphere where they know that 100% of what is raised goes towards the RCH.
The Barwon Grove Golf Club also supports other Clubs and organizations in Barwon Heads by allowing them to use the facility for their AGM or any meetings free of charge and committee are happy to discuss with any other community organisations that are looking for a facility to use.
Local Support
The club is very family orientated and has always supported worthy local community causes.
Some and not all of the examples of our fellowship are;
- Assisted with members Medical bills, provided proceeds towards a new wheelchair, funds for a new insulan pump and held fundraising day for stroke victim and also held a fundraiser for the local bicycle club.
- Club donated funds to Hospital Burns Unit after Black Saturday Bushfires, also funds towards Community Hall Roof & Soccer Club for some of there formation costs,
- We also held a fundraising day for our local winter Olympian Jakara Anthony to assist her with expenses as she travelled the world in her sport prior to any sponsorship and support. We are very proud of her efforts and follow her career with great interest.
Over the many years the club has donated funds to the following local organisations, but not limited to the following;
- The Barwon Heads Kindergarten
- Primary School
- Cricket Club
- Soccer Club
- Basketball Club
- Barwon Heads & Ocean Grove Little Athletics
- Barwon Heads Tennis Club
- Barwon Heads Football/Netball Club and the Barwon Heads Pony Club
- 13th Beach Surf Life Saving Club Juniors
A Unique Space
This Club is very unique, it has held many family events such as;
Lot’s of great memories have been created at the Tin Shed and none of this would be possible without the support and hard work of our committee and members and most importantly the continued fantastic generosity of our locals and other supporters.
The ‘Tin Shed’ invites local families to call in on a Sunday’s between 3pm and 7pm, have a drink and a social chat and perhaps join our club. This Club embodies everything which is Barwon Heads; a small community which looks after its own and cares for those less fortunate!